Terms of Service
Thank you for using HoloKit, a product of Holo Interactive US, Inc., which comprises of the hardware HoloKit X(the "HoloKit X") and HoloKit software (the “Software”).By accessing or using HoloKit or any content made available on https://holokit.io/ (the “Website”), you agree to be bound by these Terms. Any new features, tools or content which are added to the current HoloKit or the Website will also be subject to these Terms. If you do not agree to these Terms, you must not use HoloKit or access or use the Website.
1. Limited License to Use the Services
All use of any Website services, content, software and other applications, which link to these Terms, whether accessed directly or through a third party website or application (e.g., a social network or mobile application store) (individually or collectively referred to herein as the “Service(s)”), and the relationship between Holo Interactive, Inc and you, with respect to your use of the Service, is governed by this Agreement.Subject to your compliance with and acceptance of these Terms, you may use, copy, reproduce, transmit, modify, and distribute the Service (excluding the Software and SDK, which has their own terms and conditions) provided that you do not use the Service to derive a commercial benefit or financial gain (including making the Service, Software or SDK available to third parties for a fee). Further, you agree to be bound by any application, forum or software specific rules or license terms published within the Service. This Agreement is in addition to, and does not replace or supplant, any end user license agreement, SDK license agreement, or other software license agreement (collectively, “SLA”) that applies to any software or any other agreement or terms provided by Holo Interactive with respect to the Service or Website.Subject to your compliance with and acceptance of these Terms, you may also use the HoloKit X specifications, design, illustrations, drawings, images, particulars, dimensions, and other information on the Website or made available by Holo Interactive (“HoloKit X Documentation”), to assemble the HoloKit X and make derivative works of the HoloKit X, provided that you do not use the HoloKit X Documentation to derive a commercial benefit or financial gain (including distributing the HoloKit X or a derivative work of the HoloKit X for a fee or other valuable consideration, or charging a fee for using or accessing the HoloKit X Documentation).If you would like to use the Service (including the HoloKit X, the HoloKit X Documentation, and the Software) to derive a commercial benefit or financial gain, please contact info@holoi.io to obtain permission under a separate written agreement.By accessing and using the Service, you represent that, if you are a legal resident of the United States, you are at least thirteen (13) years old, or over the age of majority in the country where you are a citizen, and agree to these Terms, on behalf of yourself, or on the behalf of your child or legal ward. If you are between the ages of thirteen (13) and seventeen (17) years old, you represent that your parent or legal guardian has reviewed and agreed to these Terms.
2. Other Notifications
Holo Interactive has the right to obtain certain identification information about your computer and its operating system, including the identification numbers of your hard drives, central processing unit, IP addresses and operating systems, for identification purposes without any further notice to you.Holo Interactive may collect data relating to your usage of the Website in order to improve its Service and understanding of the users of the Website, Service or Software, without any further notice to you.You acknowledge that portions of the Website may contain additional terms and conditions for use of a particular Service or license of particular Software. You agree that you will read and agree to those terms and conditions, including any applicable SLA, before using any such Service or Software. In the event that any terms or conditions of an SLA conflict with these Terms, the terms of the SLA will prevail over these Terms.
3. User Obligations
You may not remove any copyright or attribution notice contained in the Content (defined below). If you are distributing, reproducing, transmitting, publicly performing or publicly displaying the Content pursuant to these Terms, you must clearly and visibly attribute and mark the Content with the words, “Product of HoloKit”. If you are using the HoloKit X Documentation to assemble and distribute the HoloKit X or derivative works of the HoloKit X pursuant to these Terms, you must clearly and visibly mark the HoloKit X or the derivative work of the HoloKit X with the words, “Work with HoloKit” or the HoloKit logo provided in the Branding Guideline.
Last updated